Defining Natural-Born Citizen

by P.A. Madison on November 18th, 2008

“The common law of England is not the common law of these States.” –George Mason

What might the phrase “natural-born citizen” of the United States imply under the U.S. Constitution? The phrase has always been obscure due to the lack of any single authoritative source to confer in order to understand the condition of citizenship the phrase recognizes. Learning what the phrase might have meant following the Declaration of Independence, and the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment, requires detective work. As with all detective work, eliminating the usual suspects from the beginning goes a long way in quickly solving a case.

What Natural-Born Citizen Could Not Mean

Could a natural-born citizen simply mean citizenship due to place of birth?

Unlikely in the strict sense because we know one can be native born and yet not a native born citizen of this country. There were even disputes whether anyone born within the District of Columbia or in the territories were born citizens of the United States (they were generally referred to as “inhabitants” instead.) National Government could make no “territorial allegiance” demands within the several States because as Madison explained it, the “powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the Federal Government, are few and defined,” and those “which are to remain in the State Governments are numerous and indefinite.”

Jurisdiction over citizenship via birth within the several States was simply an exercise of a States “numerous and indefinite” powers. Early acts of Naturalization recognized the individual State Legislatures as the only authority who could make anyone a citizen of a State. James Madison said citizenship rules “have obtained in some of the States,” and “if such a law existed in South Carolina, it might have prevented this question from ever coming before us” (question of Rep. William Smith being a citizen or not).

Framer James Wilson said, “a citizen of the United States is he, who is a citizen of at least some one state in the Union.” These citizens of each State were united together through Article IV, Sec. II of the U.S. Constitution, and thus, no act of Congress was required to make citizens of the individual States citizens of the United States.

Prior to the Revolutionary War place of birth within the dominions of the crown was the principle criterion for establishing perpetual allegiance to the King, however natural citizenship via birth could require being born to a British subject depending on the era in question. After independence this perpetual allegiance to the crown was abandoned for the principle of expatriation.

It should be noted this allegiance due under England’s common law and American law are of two different species. Under the common law one owed a personal allegiance to the King as an individual upon birth for which could never be thrown off. Under the American system there was no individual ruler to owe a perpetual personal allegiance to.

Furthermore, unlike the British practice, States required everyone including aliens to take an oath of allegiance to the State as a condition of residency. Children born to these residents were considered born into the allegiance of the State. In addition to this, States also had specific laws that banned citizenship to alien born who were not resident aliens who had declared their allegiance. New York for example, responded through enactment of a law to the ruling in Lynch v. Clarke (1844) that had used common law rules of citizenship by birth to specifically exclude children born to “transient aliens, and of alien public ministers and consuls, etc.”

In other words, unlike under the common law, birth by itself did not create allegiance to anyone due merely to locality.

Could a natural-born citizen perhaps be synonymous with the British term “natural-born subject”?

It is very doubtful the framers adopted the doctrine found under the old English doctrine of allegiance to the King from birth. The British doctrine could create double allegiances, something the founders considered improper and dangerous. The American naturalization process required all males to twice renounce all allegiances with other governments and pledge their sole allegiance to this one before finally becoming a citizen.

House Report No. 784, dated June 22, 1874, stated, “The United States have not recognized a ‘double allegiance.’ By our law a citizen is bound to be ‘true and faithful’ alone to our government.” It wouldn’t be practical for the United States to claim a child as a citizen when the child’s natural country of origin equally claims him/her because doing so could leave the child with two competing legal obligations, e.g., military duty.

Under the old English common law, birth was viewed as enjoining a “perpetual allegiance” upon all to the King that could never be severed or altered by any change of time or act of anyone. England’s “perpetual allegiance” due from birth was extremely unpopular in this country; often referred to as absurd barbarism, or simply perpetual nonsense. America went to war with England over the doctrine behind “natural-born subject” in June of 1812.

Because Britain considered all who were born within the dominions of the crown to be its natural-born subjects even after becoming naturalized citizens of the United States, led to British vessels blockading American ports. Under the British blockade, every American ship entering or leaving was boarded by soldiers in search of British born subjects. At least 6,000 American citizens who were found to be British natural-born subjects were pressed into military service on behalf of the British Empire, and thus, the reason we went to war.

Fourteenth Amendment

Whatever might had been the correct understanding of “natural-born citizen” prior to 1866, the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment certainly changes the view because for the first time we have a written national rule declaring who are citizens through birth or naturalization. Who may be born citizens is conditional upon being born “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States – a condition not required under the common law. The legislative definition of “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was defined as “Not owing allegiance to anybody else,” which is vastly different from local jurisdiction due to physical location alone.

This national rule prevents us from interpreting natural-born citizen under common law rules because it eliminates the possibility of a child being born with more than one claim of allegiance.

The primary author of the citizenship clause, Sen. Jacob M. Howard, said the “word jurisdiction, as here employed, ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the United States, coextensive in all respects with the constitutional power of the United States, whether exercised by Congress, by the executive, or by the judicial department; that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the United States now.

This remark by Howard puts his earlier citizenship clause remark into proper context: “This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

United States Attorney General, George Williams, whom was a U.S. Senator aligned with Radical Republicans during the drafting of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1866, ruled in 1873 the word “jurisdiction” under the Fourteenth Amendment “must be understood to mean absolute and complete jurisdiction, such as the United States had over its citizens before the adoption of this amendment.” He added, “Political and military rights and duties do not pertain to anyone else.”

Essentially then, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” means the same jurisdiction the United States exercises over its own citizens, i.e., only citizens of the United States come within its operation since citizens of the United States do not owe allegiance to some other nation at the same time they do the United States. This makes arguing the physical presence of being subject to laws silly because being subject to another countries laws while visiting makes no change to an aliens allegiance to their native country.

Natural-Born Citizen Defined

One universal point most all early publicists agreed on was natural-born citizen must mean one who is a citizen by no act of law. If a person owes their citizenship to some act of law (naturalization for example), they cannot be considered a natural-born citizen. This leads us to defining natural-born citizen under the laws of nature – laws the founders recognized and embraced.

Under the laws of nature, every child born requires no act of law to establish the fact the child inherits through nature his/her father’s citizenship as well as his name (or even his property) through birth. This law of nature is also recognized by law of nations. Sen. Howard said the citizenship clause under the Fourteenth Amendment was by virtue of “natural law and national law.”

The advantages of Natural Law is competing allegiances between nations are not claimed, or at least with those nations whose custom is to not make citizens of other countries citizens without their consent. Under Sec. 1992 of U.S. Revised Statutes (1866) made clear other nation’s citizens would not be claimed: “All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.

Rep. John A. Bingham commenting on Section 1992 said it means “every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Bingham had asserted the same thing in 1862 as well:

Does the gentleman mean that any person, born within the limits of the Republic, and who has offended against no law, can rightfully be exiled from any State or from any rood of the Republic? Does the gentleman undertake to say that here, in the face of the provision in the Constitution, that persons born within the limits of the Republic, of parents who are not the subjects of any other sovereignty, are native-born citizens, whether they be black or white? There is not a textbook referred to in any court which does not recognise the principle that I assert. (Cong. Globe, 37th, 2nd Sess., 407 (1862))

Bingham of course was paraphrasing Vattel whom often used the plural word “parents” but made it clear it was the father alone for whom the child inherits his/her citizenship from (suggesting a child could be born out of wedlock wasn’t politically correct). Bingham subscribed to the same view as most everyone in Congress at the time that in order to be born a citizen of the United States one must be born within the allegiance of the Nation. As the court has consistently ruled without controversy, change of location never changes or alters a persons allegiance to their country of origin except by acting in accordance to written law in throwing off their previous allegiance and consenting to a new one.

This of course, explains why emphasis of not owing allegiance to anyone else was the effect of being subject to the jurisdiction of the United States under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The constitutional requirement for the President of the United States to be a natural-born citizen had one purpose according to St. George Tucker:

That provision in the constitution which requires that the president shall be a native-born citizen (unless he were a citizen of the United States when the constitution was adopted,) is a happy means of security against foreign influence, which, wherever it is capable of being exerted, is to he dreaded more than the plague. The admission of foreigners into our councils, consequently, cannot be too much guarded against; their total exclusion from a station to which foreign nations have been accustomed to, attach ideas of sovereign power, sacredness of character, and hereditary right, is a measure of the most consummate policy and wisdom. …The title of king, prince, emperor, or czar, without the smallest addition to his powers, would have rendered him a member of the fraternity of crowned heads: their common cause has more than once threatened the desolation of Europe. To have added a member to this sacred family in America, would have invited and perpetuated among us all the evils of Pandora’s Box.

Charles Pinckney in 1800 said the presidential eligibility clause was designed “to insure … attachment to the country.” President Washington warned a “passionate attachment of one nation for another, produces a variety of evils,” and goes on to say:

Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest, in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation, of privileges denied to others, which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained; and by exciting jealousy, ill- will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld.

And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens, (who devote themselves to the favorite nation,) facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearance of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation.

What better way to insure attachment to the country then to require the President to have inherited his American citizenship through his American father and not through a foreign father. Any child can be born anywhere in the country and removed by their father to be raised in his native country. The risks would be for the child to return in later life to reside in this country bringing with him foreign influences and intrigues, and thus, making such a citizen indistinguishable from a naturalized citizen.


Extending citizenship to non-citizens through birth based solely upon locality is nothing more than mere municipal law that has no extra-territorial effect as proven from the English practice of it. On the other hand, citizenship by descent through the father is natural law and is recognized by all nations (what nation doesn’t recognize citizenship of children born wherever to their own citizens?). Thus, a natural-born citizen is one whose citizenship is recognized by law of nations rather than mere local recognition.

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, James F. Wilson of Iowa, confirmed this in 1866: “We must depend on the general law relating to subjects and citizens recognized by all nations for a definition, and that must lead us to the conclusion that every person born in the United States is a natural-born citizen of such States, except that of children born on our soil to temporary sojourners or representatives of foreign Governments.”*

When a child inherits the citizenship of their father, they become a natural-born citizen of the nation their father belongs regardless of where they might be born. It should be pointed out that citizenship through descent of the father was recognized by U.S. Naturalization law whereby children became citizens themselves as soon as their father had become a naturalized citizen, or were born in another country to a citizen father.

Yes, birth is prima facie evidence of citizenship, but only the citizenship of the nation the father is a member.

* Temporary sojourners like transient aliens were a description applied to aliens other than resident aliens. The difference being temporary aliens were here for temporary purposes, such as work, travel, visitation or school, who had no desire to become citizens or was prevented from becoming citizens by law. Resident aliens were those who desired to become citizens and had renounced their prior allegiances and had taken the legal steps to become citizens or reside within some state per state law.

UPDATE: In regards to questions about the citizenship of the mother: Mothers citizenship rarely ever influenced the citizenship of their children except in certain situations such as the father dying before the child was born or when the identity of the father was unknown.

Related: What “Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof” Really Means

Related: Nothing Unusual about States Denying Citizenship to Alien Born Children

Related: Was U.S. vs. Wong Kim Ark Wrongly Decided?


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16 years ago

sbd wrote: “Lynch v. Clarke, a New York court reaffirmed the common law.”

No it didn’t. The court wanted to adjudicate under new York law but there was no New York law at the time! So the court relied on common law. New York a few years later invalidated Lynch when expressly prohibited children born to “transient aliens” to be citizens. This was the entire basis of Lynch, a child born to temporary aliens.

sbd wrote: “Once again, the common law was invoked to define this language”

Liar! The common law was never once mentioned in the congressional debates on “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” Natural law and national law was invoked, something that had nothing to do with common law.

sbd wrote: “the Justices “detailed at some length the history of the Citizenship Clause, and the predominantly geographic sense in which the term “jurisdiction’ was used.”

Liar! They avoided the history of the clause. The majority said: “debates in congress are not admissible as evidence to control the meaning of those words.”

The truth is they debated England’s common law, not America’s because they were tiny incompetant morons who had little respect for law or the Constitution.

sbd wrote: “the Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment adopted the common law view of birthright citizenship.”

BIG LIE! The “United States have not recognized a double allegiance.” No double allegiance = no common law.

16 years ago

In Reply to JimAZtec:

First of all, I did not write the paper, I only quoted it and provided the link to the actual source.

Second, you are calling Gerard N. Magliocca, Professor, Indiana University School of Law–Indianapolis. J.D., Yale University 1998; B.A., Stanford University 1995 a LIAR.

Do your credentials meet or surpass those listed above??

16 years ago

In Reply to JeffM:

I don’t know the specific British laws, but according to FactCheck, Obama’s ius-sanguinis-citizenship automatically turned into a Kenyan citizenship, which expired when he was 21.

But this is only about the citizenship, and I don’t know if these processes also included an expiration of the allegiance to/subjection under the British crown. Isn’t monarchic subjection/allegiance in perpetuity, no matter what happens to your citizenship?

In any case, the only relevant thing here would be Obama’s status at birth.

Obama is a CRIMINAL!!!
Obama is a CRIMINAL!!!
16 years ago

In reply to Joss who said congress could make a grandfather clause for Obama as an exception and everyone would be happy, that is CRAZY!

#1 BHO has NO right to any exceptions! HE LIED! Why reward that? Wrong Message to the people…

#2 NOT FAIR as others who were MORE qualified than he but did NOT apply for the job because they respected and abided by the Law and Constitution by not running, like Schwarzenegger…

#3 Obama KNOWINGLY committed FRAUD against the American People and some of his acts are TREASON of which is he only Federal Crime punishable with the option of the Death Penalty! but I’d rather see him rot in PRISON!

#4 Due to BHO’s multiple-allegiances and connections and friendships with known terrorists and enemies of this country, this is a MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY!

Constitution must prevail
Constitution must prevail
16 years ago

As stated by Justice St. George Tucker;

“That provision in the constitution which requires that the president shall be a native-born citizen (unless he were a citizen of the United States when the constitution was adopted,) is a happy means of security against foreign influence, which, where-ever it is capable of being exerted, is to be dreaded more than the plague.”

16 years ago

In Reply to Constitution must prevail:

Tucker’s comment is not US law. And it only mentions “native born citizen”, not “natural born citizen”. These two are completely different classes of citizenship.

16 years ago

In Reply to Obama is a CRIMINAL!!!:

Your post is what’s crazy. All you do is scream out allegations without any evidence. You allege that Obama is a liar, a defrauder, a traitor committing treason “” and you don’t present any evidence whatsoever.

Even if Obama is found ineligibile, it still doesn’t mean that he’s a criminal. He’s simply ineligible. He used to be a Senior Lecturer on Constitutional Law, so it’s probable that he and his attorneys think they can show that he’s a “natural born citizen”. But that’s not fraud or high treason. That’s simply an opinion that has to be scrutinized by the SCOTUS.

However, if his actual birth certificate shows that he wasn’t even a “native born citizen”, then this would be fraud and/or treason for sure. But we’ll have to wait and see.

PS: And what about John McCain’s connections to known terrorists, enemies of the country and other unsavory citizens? Or even war criminals who introduced torture, against international laws, like the current Preznit?

16 years ago

In Reply to Joss:

Show us by what constitutional authority the SCOTUS can “assign” the Congress to a author a Constitutional Amendment!

If the SCOTUS rules against Obama he cannot not become President. Any attempt to “assign” would be certain judicial activism on the part of the SCOTUS.

Obama, a new founding father? That is absurd!

Concerning other posts: Is Obama lying? And your assertion that no proof supports his lying: Certainly! His campaign says his “certification of live birth” as shown on the Internet is valid proof when “certified vault copy of his birth certificate” Moreover, the “certification of live birth” is a forgery.

Also, his Selective Service information on the Internet shows clear evidence of tampering.

Obama is either behind these issues or he has not provided the clear evidence to prove otherwise.

16 years ago

In Reply to Joss:

Why are you so intent on establishing that it only matters what Obama’s status was at birth?

If that is so, or perhaps more importantly, if five of nine justices of the Supreme Court agree that it should be so, it may be that those five justices will simply rule that the plain language of the Constitution does not support the conclusion that dual citizenship at birth by way of the foreign nationality of one parent does not negative natural born citizen status otherwise conferred (such as by virtue of having been born within the United States when one’s other parent is either a native-born citizen or a naturalized citizen of the United States). Inquiry complete, next case please!

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but in my way of thinking, you are unwise to place all of your legal eggs in one basket.

By contrast, I favor presenting the justices with a number of plausible scenarios, together with corresponding public policy arguments to make such scenarios at least minimally palatable to one or more of the individual justices. The point should be to set up or preserve an arrangment in which We the People are guaranteed (to the extent that this is possible) that the individual occupying the office of POTUS has no reason to place the United States at any sort of undue disadvantage, but rather is unstintingly patriotic, and therefore unrelenting in taking whatever actions are necessary to promote the best interests of the United States, consistent (if at all possible) with international law and other important considerations. So what good does it do to demand either the moon, or nothing at all, when you don’t necessarily need “the moon” to obtain your objectives?

Mr. Donofrio may be pursuing the approach he has selected for one or more of any number of reasons, as is his right as a litigant and plaintiff. That does not mean that others should not take his basic point and elaborate on it. To my mind, this includes suggesting the possibility of appropriate exceptions to his general rule that dual citizenship at birth negatives what would otherwise be constitutionally-valid natural born citizen status. The justices of the Supreme Court need grist for their mill. Let’s not shy away from providing it.

My theory, as discussed in an earlier comment shown below, starts with the premise that 1) the Supreme Court may be unwilling to lay down a hard and fast rule that dual citizenship at birth is sufficient to negative what might otherwise be constitutionally-valid natural born citizen status, and 2) the court will be equally disinclined to conclude that any act taken by such a person’s parents or guardians, or by such a person themselves, prior to such a person reaching adulthood, can be such as to strip such a person of the qualifications necessary to ascend to or occupy the office of POTUS.

Based on that premise, I suggest that the court may be willing to entertain public policy arguments to the effect that, once an person with dual citizenship at birth becomes an adult, there may be circumstances under which such a person can take deliberate action which will have the effect of stripping them of their previous status as a natural born citizen, without working an actual denouncement of U.S. citizenship. In other words, such a person may remain, for all other intents and purposes, a U.S. citizen. Only now he or she will be POTUS-ineligible.

That’s it–no ham-handed condemnation of the person in question, no singling out anybody because of how they look or what their name is, just an appropriate measure of prudence in trying to identify those among us who are trying to have it both ways as adults of full age, and the hard-mindedness and intestinal fortitude to hold such individuals at least minimally accountable for their actions, for the sake of preserving Constitutional order.

What circumstances might I be talking about? I can’t say for sure, obviously, but I would presume the Supreme Court would be keenly interested in any acts taken by an individual with dual citizenship which, on their face at least, would appear to demonstrate, not only less than total fealty to the United States (which seems common for many individuals who never held dual citizenship), but also an intention to avail himself or herself of certain benefits, privileges, or protections associated with their foreign citizenship that are unavailable to other U.S. citizens. I would think that this would suffice to demonstrate that such an individual failed to emerge from childhood with a level of respect for our way of life in the United States commensurate with the privilege of ascending to or retaining the highest office in our land.

At the risk of sounding like a person who believes traditional, time-honored religious teachings should have some bearing on modern society, I would suggest that the following biblical quote from 1 Corinthians 13:11 (taken from the American King James Version) is probably germane to this discussion: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

16 years ago

In Reply to Publius:

Sorry-I meant to say: “…it may be that those five justices will rule that the plain language of the Constitution forbids the conclusion that dual citizenship at birth by way of the foreign nationality of one parent negatives natural born citizen status otherwise conferred…”

16 years ago

In Reply to Hugh:

You wrote: “Show us by what constitutional authority the SCOTUS can “assign” the Congress to a author a Constitutional Amendment! If the SCOTUS rules against Obama he cannot not become President. Any attempt to “assign” would be certain judicial activism on the part of the SCOTUS.”

Not necessarily. But you found the part I’m the least sure about. Although, I think I remember that the Constitution assigned to Congress (to the legislature) the authority or even obligation to pass citizenship and naturalization legislation. Since the SCOTUS is the judicative, they could do the same in this case by demanding a new Amendment, if the case can not be fully resolved. But this is purely hypothetical, and I was only looking for a possible win-win scenario. I don’t think it’ll ever get that far.

You wrote: “Obama, a new founding father? That is absurd!”

Of course that’s absurd. He hasn’t achieved anything yet to earn the title of a “new founding father”. I was just saying that an Obama-taylored new grandfather clause would automatically make him a “new founding father”.

You wrote: “His campaign says his ‘certification of live birth’ as shown on the Internet is valid proof when ‘certified vault copy of his birth certificate'”

But that’s neither lying nor treason nor anything. Only if his real BC says he was born in Kenya, then he has committed election fraud. Do you have any proof that this is the case? No, you haven’t.

You wrote: “Moreover, the “certification of live birth” is a forgery.”

If a few experts stand up with their good names and say it’s a forgery, then yes, I’d be willing to believe that. But that guy with his infotainment loser-generated content YouTube video and the Darth Vader voice saying it’s all a forgery, all a lie? You seriously don’t think that’s sufficient or in any way verifiable!?!

You wrote: “Also, his Selective Service information on the Internet shows clear evidence of tampering.”

Yes. As with any other candidate. Welcome to politics.

Your wrote: “Obama is either behind these issues or he has not provided the clear evidence to prove otherwise.”

The first part is an argument from silence without any evidence to back it up “” the second part is clearly correct. Therefore there is a definitely chance that he hasn’t been honest, that he’s been lying and committed fraud. But we’ll only know if he produces the relevant documents. And afaik, nothing can force him to do that at the moment.

16 years ago

In Reply to JeffM:

Wow, JeFFM

This is the best question of all. BO claimed dual citizenship at birth, as per the British act of 1948, and has NEVER denounced his British citizenship anywhere. He, by law could still be considered a Dual Citizen. The original language of “Natural Born” comes from John Jay letter to George Washington, which he pleads to Washington before the Continental Congress to prevent the commander in Chief of the US armed forces to have foriegn loyalties by placing a Natural Born clause. BO has ‘foriegn entanglements’ from birth, and may still have them, and therefore is NOT Natural Born.

16 years ago

In Reply to Publius:

Quote: “Why are you so intent on establishing that it only matters what Obama’s status was at birth?”

I’m just following Donofrio’s lead here. “Natural born citizen” can only refer to the status at the time of his birth, not any later status, e.g. at the time of his nomination.

Quote: “it may be that those five justices will simply rule that the plain language of the Constitution does not support the conclusion that dual citizenship at birth by way of the foreign nationality of one parent does not negative natural born citizen status”

Of course. There’s a big chance that this is what they will rule. I’m just thinking of an alternative interpretation, as any attorney should do, if he wants to be fully prepared.

Quote: “but in my way of thinking, you are unwise to place all of your legal eggs in one basket.”

Yes, that’s very risky. But at the moment I can’t find another solution of how to counter Donofrio’s case in a more elegant or slimmer way. So at the moment I think that the defendant only has this one basket against Donofrio. Maybe another possibility will pop up in the next few days, let’s wait and see.

Quote: “So what good does it do to demand either the moon, or nothing at all, when you don’t necessarily need “the moon” to obtain your objectives?”

Fair enough. I’m however always also looking for the Occam’s razor solution, and that’s the sole reason behind deducing a definition of “natural born citizen” from the 14th Amendment, which doesn’t collide with the Presidential qualifications clause. In court this might not be a convenient strategy, so you’d have to add many more arguments (like I did with the John Jay letter). But if your very fundament is not sound in itself, you’ll have a hard time winning a case. Any additional arguments could then be easily picked apart.

Quote: “The justices of the Supreme Court need grist for their mill. Let’s not shy away from providing it.”

Yes. You need to behave as they expect you to.

Quote: “My theory, as discussed in an earlier comment shown below, starts with the premise that 1) the Supreme Court may be unwilling to lay down a hard and fast rule that dual citizenship at birth is sufficient to negative what might otherwise be constitutionally-valid natural born citizen status, and 2) the court will be equally disinclined to conclude that any act taken by such a person’s parents or guardians, or by such a person themselves, prior to such a person reaching adulthood, can be such as to strip such a person of the qualifications necessary to ascend to or occupy the office of POTUS.”

Yes. And it may be a good theory. If they didn’t want to follow a clear-cut super-slim defense argument, then the defendant would need another approach. But wouldn’t your argument be slammed by Donofrio? He’s arguing that “natural born citizen”, which is a prerequisite for becoming POTUS (no way around that), only refers to the status at birth (as the “born” already implies in the term). I personally agree with him on that, completely. So anything that comes later in a candidate’s vita would be irrelevant. There’s a good chance that the SCOTUS would rather follow Donofrio’s argument here.

Quote: “there may be circumstances under which such a person can take deliberate action which will have the effect of stripping them of their previous status as a natural born citizen”

This approach would possibly save Obama’s presidency, possibly not, but in any case it would infringe upon the inherent meaning in “natural born citizen”, namely that the term describes a status present at birth, and at birth only.

Quote: “just an appropriate measure of prudence in trying to identify those among us who are trying to have it both ways as adults of full age, and the hard-mindedness and intestinal fortitude to hold such individuals at least minimally accountable for their actions, for the sake of preserving Constitutional order.”

I understand. But one would have to establish strict rules, and there are so many possibilities in a man’s life, so many different paths to go, that I find it hard to believe that it’s possible to create a Constitutional framework to evaluate Presidential candidates in this manner. It would remain a free-floating, time- and resource-consuming process, prone to bias against candidates etc.

Quote: “but also an intention to avail himself or herself of certain benefits, privileges, or protections associated with their foreign citizenship that are unavailable to other U.S. citizens.

But what would these benefits be? Who would decide which to include in an argument and which not? Some people would argue that using one’s foreign citizenship to receive a matriculation for foreign students would be something obtained by fraud, at least for someone who wants to be a patriot, who wants to become President. Others would argue that it’s not something obtained by fraud, but something that he was entitled to BECAUSE he had that dual citizenship.

Quote: “I would suggest that the following biblical quote from 1 Corinthians 13:11 (taken from the American King James Version) is probably germane to this discussion: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.””

🙂 Okay, I then argue that breaking the Constitution would not be a fatal or evil move, if it results in good leadership””with a historical source on “illegitimate rule” (= “tyranny”). I counter with Cicero, who paraphrased a sentence from Euripides, agreeing with Julius Caesar, who had quoted it before, in order to defend his allegedly illegitimate rule:

“If you break the law, then for the price of a tyranny most fair. Otherwise be pious and obey the laws [and believe in God].” (Suetonius, “Divus Iulius” 30; Cicero, “De Officiis” 3.82; Euripides, “Phoinissiai”, 542 sq.)

16 years ago

In Reply to Pete:

No. His British citizenship automatically turned into a Kenyan citizenship, when Kenya became independent. This Kenyan citizenship then automatically expired at the age of 21.

16 years ago

In Reply to Joss:

Great post. I appreciate having your thoughts on this.

You said: “”Natural born citizen” can only refer to the status at the time of his birth, not any later status, e.g. at the time of his nomination.”

I say: I agree that one cannot acquire the status of “natural born citizen” after the fact of birth. Such status can only be conferred on an individual based on the circumstances prevailing at the moment of birth. But as you can see, my argument hinges on the premise that one who holds dual citizenship at birth bears the special risk of losing one’s status as a natural born citizen by virtue of certain (admittedly, as yet unspecified) disqualifiying acts taken as an adult. Again according to my theory, once lost, “natural born citizen” status cannot be regained.

Just like any other candidate, an individual with dual citizenship must have been a U.S. citizen since birth (i.e., no “discontinuities” in citizenship such as would necessitate re-naturalization for U.S. citizenship to be regained). However, dual citizens who one day may seek to become president must keep in mind that if they wish to retain dual citizenship into adulthood, they will need to forego “dipping their toes” into any “pool” of advantages or privileges that may be available to them based on any foreign citizenship they retain by default. So long as they are diligent about this, they should have no trouble when the time comes to decide whether or not to run for president. If they are not, well then…they may have to lie in the bed they themselves have made. Not our problem.

So to be a valid presidential candidate or president, a dual citizen will need to:

1) demonstrate that he or she was born in the United States to mother or father who was a U.S. citizen at the time; and

2) at least declare (to the best of his/her knowledge, and subject to such new information as may later arise or be discovered) that he or she has undertaken no act or acts as an adult sufficient to demonstrate divided fidelity as between the United States and another country in which citizenship is or was then held.

If it were up to me, I would throw in a third “prong” and require the individual to affirmatively declare any and all foreign citizenships held, and either show how and when such citizenships have previously been legally renounced, or if one or more of them are still held, formally renounce the same at some point prior to ascending to the office of POTUS (not necessarily prior to being elected).

Bill G
Bill G
16 years ago

Great discussion! Thanks for your interest and effort. Given the credible position that ‘natural born’ is determined at birth and not by law or deed, won’t it be necessary for the Justices to understand the documented facts of Senator Obama’s birth? Or can they merely refute Donofrio’s claim that dual citizenship bars natural born citizenship, regardless of the unrevealed facts of the Senator’s birth?

16 years ago

Joss, please see my comments following yours.

In Reply to Hugh:

You wrote: “Show us by what constitutional authority the SCOTUS can “assign” the Congress to a author a Constitutional Amendment! If the SCOTUS rules against Obama he cannot not become President. Any attempt to “assign” would be certain judicial activism on the part of the SCOTUS.”

Not necessarily. But you found the part I’m the least sure about. Although, I think I remember that the Constitution assigned to Congress (to the legislature) the authority or even obligation to pass citizenship and naturalization legislation. Since the SCOTUS is the judicative, they could do the same in this case by demanding a new Amendment, if the case can not be fully resolved. But this is purely hypothetical, and I was only looking for a possible win-win scenario. I don’t think it’ll ever get that far.



I do not see how the Supreme Court could ever demand that Congress solve this issue now. The Constitution says whatever is says now, supported by court decision precedents, statutes, etc. I emphasize “now” as critically very important.

The SCOTUS will not allow the rules to be changed in the middle of an election. Remember the State of Florida Supreme Court changing the rules about the Florida 2000 vote count concerning Gore vs Bush. The SCOTUS said no to Gore for good reason.

People are already calling Obama the “President-elect” and Obama has even created the “Office of President-elect” when in fact Obama cannot even become President-elect until the Electoral College meets and votes.

Constitutional amendments go through a legal process passed by each of the States. I have not currently reviewed that process.

The SCOTUS, and all members of Congress, individually and corporately, are compelled to uphold the Constitution.

So, there cannot be any valid Constitution change as to the natural born citizen clause currently. The SCOTUS needs to decide what those words mean and confirm it.

Furthermore, I do not trust Congress to fix it. Because most assuredly and sadly there will be a public outcry to eliminate the natural born citizen clause. And Congress would quickly give approval to “what the American people want.”

This issue is so important that is should not be left to public opinion, or what Congress desires, or wants, or what Congress thinks the public wants. This is such an important issue that, if the natural born requirement is changed, it should be resolved only through Constitutional Amendment. This is appropriate since each of the States would be required to deliberate over and decide the issue by vote. It is a very serious matter. The Framers thought enough about it and considered it so significant that they included it in the Constitution as a Presidential requirement.

Therefore, what Obama has done or appears to be doing, with all his denials and refusals to provide others the documents that properly pass legal muster in effect weakens the Constitution, dishonoring it’s Framers, giving fodder to those opponents of original intent.

Based on Obama’s on actions and what little I know, (and I don’t know the evidence perfectly) I believe Obama to be a deceiver and a usurper, opening America up to a Constitution crisis. Character and integrity are most important.

Lincoln Lowery
Lincoln Lowery
16 years ago

###All the parents of JINDAL, NADER, LIEBERMAN gave birth to them when they were not even naturalized citizens (takes more than 7-10 years process).### IF THAT is true, then NONE of them are natural born, as we did not anchor babies at the time of their births, unless they were born after 1965. Foreigners giving birth here SHOULD mean the kids are foreign too.

16 years ago

In Reply to Bill G:

That’s a good question. I think they already understood the implications. They probably read Donofrio’s application and just thought “What the”¦?!” They must know that this is dead-serious, and I can’t think of a reason why they would reject it.

Quote: “Or can they merely refute Donofrio’s claim that dual citizenship bars natural born citizenship, regardless of the unrevealed facts of the Senator’s birth?”

Definitely not. Maybe the defendants or the judges will find a way to defeat the whole thing, but they’ll need some REALLY good arguments, because Donofrio does have a case here. If they treat it with the respect it deserves, the Constitution and the country can only win, no matter how they’ll eventually rule.

But I think that the term “natural born citizen” must (ideally) be explained from the Constitution, i.e. in all probability the 14th Amendment. Saying (like some do) that the term is “self-evident” or that it needs no explanation because it’s a “natural state of existence”, wouldn’t make for a good argument in court. That’s why I tried my little theory, with as little extra-constitutional baggage as possible, although I can’t claim that it’s in any way correct or superior to others.

16 years ago

In Reply to Bill G:

There are circumstances, I believe, that would justify a situation in which SCOTUS will decide it needs to find facts on its own. This may be such a situation, because unless I am mistaken, no court in New Jersey ever authorized any discovery order to be served on any party (such as the state of Hawaii, or the countries of Panama or Nicaragua) that would be in a position to provide official information regarding birth circumstances of any candidate.

Mr. Donofrio’s case cannot be conclusively decided on the merits in any court unless and until a definition is determined for the constitutional term “natural born citizen”, SCOTUS may elect to supply such a definition now, while the case is before it, and while there is still time between now and December 15th. While SCOTUS could render a largely procedural decision that returns the case to New Jersey for further adjudication, I think this is unlikely. To do so is to take the distinct risk that the constitutinal question at issue will become moot before SCOUTS will have a chance to review any subsequent decisions. Or if mootness is not at issue, SCOTUS may find itself in a position of having to rendering a decision that potentially disqualifies Obama as an actual president-elect (i.e., after the electoral college has held its vote, and/or after the electoral college votes have been counted in the Senate), or, worse yet, that will result in the removal of Obama from office as a sitting POTUS.

Remember also that this case is on appeal from the highest court of a U.S. state, as opposed to the Court of Appeals of the Third Federal Circuit, or a Federal District Court of the District of New Jersey. If I am wrong on this, I’d love to hear why, but my sense is that SCOTUS is not in a position to dictate terms in terms of directly controlling subsequent activity in this case such as further fact finding or the timing of related decisions. Because SCOTUS will need to “play ball” with the courts of New Jersey, it may be inclined to take decisive action sooner, rather than later. This is likely to require some de novo fact-finding, at least, if for no other reason than to ensure that SCOTUS does not find itself in the position of having rendered a decision based on facts that later turn out to be “inoperative”. For example, SCOTUS is not likely to accept anything short of conclusive proof that Obama was physically born in Hawaii before it will go to the trouble of basing a decision on such a fact in a case of first impression.

16 years ago

Beyond all the legal details is one simple fact. What about the right of the voters to have known all the relevant facts prior to the election? If any of these assumptions and issues about Obama’s citizens turn out to be true (Born in Kenya, Dual-Citizenship, Indonesian Passport, Kenyan Citizenship, British Citizenship, Foreign Student Application etc) Don’t the citizens have a right to know these facts prior to the election? Even if they do not disqualify Obama – The people should be properly informed. From my point of view – if any of these issues are true- it invalidates the election itself.

Sid Davis
Sid Davis
16 years ago

So yet another article to shed some light:

While this is a discussion of the 14th amendment and what the “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” language means, it also contains reference to “natural born citizen.”

The article contains information to discredit the Wong Kim Ark case which some have used as evidence that being born in the US is all that is necessary to have 14th amendment citizenship.

The article concludes that the 14th only grants citizenship to those born in the US provided at the time that they were not subjects of any foreign power. The article also contains information that the writers of the 14th amendment intended it to not negate the “natural born citizen” concept since it to them also required being born in the US, not being a subject of any foreign power.

The more I read, the more firmly believe that a “natural born citizen” must be born in the US and be born without being claimed as a citizen by any foreign power. I think McCain and Obama do not meet these test, one failing the first test, and the other failing the second test. The simply each are citizens by statute (naturalized).

I certainly hope the Supreme Court will fully address this issue. We already seem to be on a collision course with civil disorder over the next several decades, and we do not need the additional rallying point of an unconstitutional President as things go from bad to worse economically.

16 years ago

In Reply to Lincoln Lowery:

QUOTE: “All the parents of JINDAL, NADER, LIEBERMAN gave birth to them when they were not even naturalized citizens (takes more than 7-10 years process).”

I think Donofrio stated in one of the Plains Radio interviews that Lieberman is the son of naturalized citizens. I don’t know about Jindal, but Nader is definitely a “natural born citizen”, son of two naturalized parents.

QUOTE: “Foreigners giving birth here SHOULD mean the kids are foreign too.”

But it doesn’t. US have ius soli. As a child of two foreigners, but born on US soil, you’re automatically a citizen, but not a “born citizen” under the 14th Amendment, but 8 US Code §1401a “” I think.

But one question: Why SHOULD it mean that foreigners’ children are foreign, too?

16 years ago

In Reply to Hugh:

I’m not buying into the usurper thing””not without any evidence””, but I completely agree with you on the rest. The SCOTUS has to decide what the term means. Anything else (e.g. yet another Amendment) would not be feasible.

16 years ago

I guess it comes down to what the meaning of the word “is” is. I’m sorry, but liberals have no regard for the law.

16 years ago

In Reply to Joss:

Usurper may be too strong a word at the moment. My best Websters says: To seize by force or without right; it implies forcible seizure, as of power without right.

Arrogate is a synoymyn: To arrogate is to presume unduly or with presumption.

Evidence? Consider again the “Office of President-elect”. There is no such office, and even if there was he has yet to assume it. Yet, Obama has his own podium now. Couple this with his refusals. This is clearly problematic! He is already forcing us to accept his stance without proof.

I will modify my comment to “stealth-usurper”. The problem is that we have not see the fully-evident fruit. I think we are there already at some level.

16 years ago

In Reply to Joss:

When I say “He (Obama) is already forcing us to accept his stance without proof” I mean giving proof in such a way the American can say yes and amen.

I know the Obama people want him, but he has to go through the door correctly. He cannot do it any other way and be eligible. We do not need to re-size the door to enable him to fit.

May I offer to you John 10:1-14. This fits since some are calling Obama “messiah”.

Mr. Paul
Mr. Paul
16 years ago

In Reply to Hugh:

My Oh! My.

This NBC business was taken too far.

Especially since our 21st president (Arthur Chester) had an American citizen mother and a Canadian father (naturalized after his birth).

When Pres. Arthur ran for office, so many of his critics tried to allege he was foreign (or had been born in Canada or that he was not NBC).

But guess what, President Arthur served the nation.

Now this gives us a hint what SCOTUS will do on Friday.

If Obama was born in Hawaii (which has been confirmed), then guess what, he is NBC (like President Arthur).

Simple as that.

Mr. Paul
Mr. Paul
16 years ago

20th VP of USA, 21st President of USA

Chester Alan Arthur

And Arthur was nominated by the REPUBLICAN Party.

16 years ago

The son of a Baptist preacher who had emigrated from northern Ireland, Arthur was born in Fairfield, Vermont, in 1829.

President Arthur as born in the U.S. The Supreme court, if it hears the case, will find that Obama was either a) not born in the U.S. and/or b) lost whatever citizenship he may have had when he became an Indonesian citizen (which is probably what his sealed college records show him as).

16 years ago

Some ‘forensic’ comparisons:

1963 Hawaiian Long Form COLB:

1962 Hawaiian Long Form COLB:

Obviously, the Long Form COLB’s have a whole lot more detailed information (including the birth Hospital) that the short form Obama posted (questionable authenticity) shows. Why hasn’t he posted his Long form COLB?

He might be a “Naturalized” Citizen, but there is nothing (to date) in the public sector to suggest he is a ‘Natural Born” Citizen, which is what the Constitution clearly requires for one to become POTUS.

Obama owes it to our country, and to the Constitution to go public with a copy of his 1961 Long Form original birth certificate (COLB).

Sid Davis
Sid Davis
16 years ago

In Reply to Mr. Paul: Did Canadian law at the time of Arthur’s birth make him subject to Canadian law and a Canadian citizen at his birth by virtue of his father’s Canadian citizenship?

I think that if Obama had been born in Hawaii to a father that had citizenship in a country that did not claim jurisdiction over children of their citizens born outside of the fathers home country, then Obama might have a better argument.

And even more importantly, if someone violates the law and does not get confronted or caught, does that then become a precedence to exempt all subsequent persons who violate that same law? It is possible that Arthur just was lucky that nobody challenged him, but that hardly changes the definition of natural born citizen.

Mr Paul
Mr Paul
16 years ago

In Reply to Sid Davis:

Canada was in the middle of UK and French Imperialism.

Canadian subjects were considered either UK or French Citizens then.

So if we stay rigid with the FATHER-clause and decide that Obama is considered UK/Kenyan at birth, so too was Arthur considered a UK/Canadian at birth.

President Arthur has just unleashed some genie.

16 years ago

In Reply to Hugh:

John 10:1″“4 “” be careful with that quote, because it says that those who came before Him, were thieves and robbers, ergo Bush, Cheney & Co.


Mr. Paul
Mr. Paul
16 years ago

In Reply to Joss:

Have you seen the conrfirmation of Pres. Arthur (born in USA but to Canadian Immigrants with Irish Heritage).

Canada and Ireland considered the Queen of England (UK) as their Head of State at that time.

Meaning any English, Irish, Canadian immigrant who came to america had been born into their jurisdiction.

So if Pres. Arthur (whose father was born into UK Jurisdiction) was considered NBC and served as president, I dont see how different this is from BHO.

The only thing is if BHO was born in Hawaii. so far there is nothing to claim he wasnt (Hawaii State has confirmed his COLB details as valid).

Looks like SCOTUS will make some of us here sad this Fri.

16 years ago

Hawaiian law, at the time of Obama’s birth, allowed for FOREIGN born (i.e. outside of Hawaii) baby’s to be registered in Hawaii via a ‘Certificate of Live Birth’:

“[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State…”

In addition…

The Hawaiian govt’ officials NEVER stated that Obama was born in Hawaii. They only stated that they have seen his birth certificate on file. But a B.C. from where?? (see #1 above).

On October 31, 2008, Dr Chiyome Fukino, Department of Health, Hawaii, issued a press release in which she stated, in part:

“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai”Ëœi, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai”Ëœi State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”

For the Hawaiian ‘Policies and Procedures’ she referred to…see item #1 above which, again, affords foreign born babies to obtain a Hawaiian COLB (within 1 year).

Bill G
Bill G
16 years ago

Was there ever a legal case validating that President Arthur qualified as natural born? The mere fact that he served does not mean that this was Constitutional. If this was never adjudicated, it may have no merit to a current judgement. It isn’t really a legal precedent, but just an interesting fact. SCOTUS is sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution, not look for excuses to avoid their duty.

Sid Davis
Sid Davis
16 years ago

In Reply to Mr. Paul: Again, if the Supreme Court was not asked to look at the issue for Arthur, that changes little. Arthur just could have slipped through the crack because he did not have an antagonist such as Leo Donofrio.

And again, does one person violating a law and not being confronted or charged make all persons who subsequently violate the same law exempt from it?

Mr Paul
Mr Paul
16 years ago

In Reply to Bill G:

In Reply to Bill G:

Case or no Case, it confirms that indeed America has at one time (its 20th VP and 21st President) been born into a foreign jurisdiction.

And America lived through it with no Legal dramas.

Same case today. This Arthur thing closed my doubts.

I know some fo you will ask me to re-focus on COLB and if he was born here. But at this stage, I have no reason to doubt the Hawaii SoS and governors.

16 years ago

I would agree with Sid and Bill in that if indeed president Arthur was determined to be a British subject based on his father having been a British subject…even though he (Arthur) was born in the U.S., doesn’t mean it set precidence and therefore we should go ahead and ignore the Constitutional requirement for Natural Born Citizen…again.

There is, indeed, no reason to doubt the Hawaiian officials at this point. Why? They simply stated that they have seen his b.c. on file. Again, they never stated he was born in Hawaii, just that they have seen his b.c. Well, b.c. from where? They didn’t say. Remember, Hawaiian law allowed for foreign baby’s to obtain a Hawaiian COLB.

Therefore, the question remains. Where was he born? Why doesn’t he release his long form COLB or his passport(s) for that matter, that probably show he had Indonesian citizenship. Which if found to be true, would make him a Naturalized Citizen if anything.

16 years ago

In Reply to Mr. Paul:

The difference however would be that Arthur’s parents were most probably naturalized, i.e. “natural citizens” of the US, or in a more general term, “native citizens”. (Although not “native born” or “natural born”.)

So we do have a difference to Obama Sr, who remained a non-US citizen.

But there were apparently some rumors that Arthur was born in Canada, and that the family moved to the US shortly thereafter. And this brings me to a theory””just a theory, and based on circumstantial evidence ONLY””, which might make Obama eligible, or at least cast some doubt on the plaintiff’s position.

The rumor was that Arthur was born in Canada. Since there is no proof, we have to assume that he was born on US soil, like Obama. But this rumor actually tells us an important thing, namely that the parents’ immigration to the US from Canada MUST have almost coincided with Arthur’s birth, otherwise there would not have been any basis for this rumor. So, if Arthur’s birth directly followed their immigration, it’s feasible to assume that the parents had not YET been naturalized. Therefore Arthur was born on US soil, but to two resident aliens, two immigrants awaiting their naturalization.

his is VERY weak, I know, and it’s just a thought.

16 years ago

Indeed, this issue of President Arthur is interesting and one that I must admit knew nothing about. In the short time I’ve spent researching his life (Arthur’s), I too have found nothing but rumors regarding his status of ‘Natural born’ citizen. I’ve also found nothing to suggest his parents were not naturalized (and therefore no longer British subjects). That would be a different scenario than Obama’s.

Some info I found:

“Political rivals long circulated the rumor that he had been born across the International Boundary in Canada in hopes of creating doubts as to his eligibility for the presidency (under Article II of the U.S. Constitution the president must be a natural-born citizen), although the rumor is generally regarded as untrue.”

“Life Before the Presidency”

Can someone post a link(s) to where we can see weather or not his (Arthur’s) parents were naturalized or not?

However, the issue of Arthur’s constitutionality of being president was never adjudicated in the courts (so far as I can tell), so no legal precident there. Which, again, leads me to say two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because it (may have been) done before doesn’t mean it’s ok to do again. Hopefully, the SCOTUS will look into it and demand the information. If he has it, fine. If not, deffinately not fine.

16 years ago

however, there are no federally financed programs for students of African ancestry that he would have sought to take advantage, african exchange students have to have $$ in the bank and cannot get school loans…..Barack Obama and Michelle just recently finished paying off their school loans……….just like any other natural born american

16 years ago

In Reply to rxsid:

Right, even if Arthur was not a “natural born citizen”, his case would still not be a legal precedent.

16 years ago

In Reply to Joss:

You got me there! I had not thought of that connection concerning the quote. As you are aware, I was actually comparing the necessity of going through the right door there and Obama going in some other way.

I will take that under advisement. Less friendly people would certainly jump all over!

I have just been reading about Chester A. Arthur!


16 years ago

hafeezah, huh? While it is, no doubt, easier to obtain financial aid for U.S. citizens to attend U.S. colleges, it most certainly is possible…even for ‘international’ students from an African country to obtain aid via the:

“2008-09 International Student Financial Aid Application”

However, Obama’s college records, you know…those super top secret records that he doesn’t want the American people to see, probably show him as applying for admission (& yes, possibly financial aid of some kind) as an Indonesian citizen and not as a Kenyan citizen.

Joe Blog
Joe Blog
16 years ago

Reading this newspiece in Hawaii’s official State paper from the Hawaii officials confirms to me that its the Hawaii State that made alterations (redactions) to the copies they gave to BHO to prevent against possible scammers or info-hackers.

Obama’s certificate of birth OK, state says

Health director issues voucher in response to ‘ridiculous’ barrage

By Dan Nakaso

State Health Department employees continue to be barraged by requests from people demanding to see Barack Obama’s birth certificate, including some who have called the department’s registrar of vital statistics at home “” in the middle of the night.

“This has gotten ridiculous,” state health director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said yesterday. “There are plenty of other, important things to focus on, like the economy, taxes, energy.”

So, in what likely will be a vain attempt to halt the inquiries, Fukino yesterday issued a statement saying that she and the registrar of vital statistics personally inspected Obama’s birth certificate and found it to be valid.

Will this be enough to quiet the doubters?

“I hope so,” Fukino said. “We need to get some work done.”

Fukino issued her statement to try to stomp out persistent rumors that Obama was not born in Honolulu “” and is therefore not a U.S. citizen and thus ineligible to run for president.

Fukino, however, repeated the Health Department’s position that state law prohibits her or any other officials from actually releasing the birth certificate, which Obama’s campaign says shows he was born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961.

“There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate,” Fukino said in the statement. “State law (Hawai’i Revised Statutes ¤338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record. … No state official, including Gov. Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawai’i.”

The issue has generated attention from around the world “” and court challenges across the country.

Obama critics in Ohio, Seattle and Philadelphia have tried to get their state officials to remove Obama’s name from their election ballots until his birthplace could be confirmed. Judges, so far, have dismissed all of the suits.

A New York Internet author named Andy Martin has a Circuit Court hearing date set for Friday in Honolulu “” three days after Tuesday’s presidential election “” on his lawsuit to get a certified copy of Obama’s birth certificate. Hawai’i’s Supreme Court denied Martin’s request on Oct. 22 to expedite the hearing.

In Hawai’i, birth, death, marriage and certain divorce documents can only be released to people with a “tangible interest,” such as the people themselves, their parents, spouses, grandparents or other relatives.

As a result, Fukino said she does not believe Health Department officials could release Obama’s birth certificate to the public even with his permission, although she would need to get a legal ruling to be certain.

Bloggers and Obama critics allege that Obama actually was born in Kenya, but have provided no documentation. Obama supporters and satirists, such as Jon Stewart of “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central, counter that he actually was born on Superman’s home planet of Krypton.

Obama’s campaign has posted a copy of the Honolulu birth certificate on its Web site at The nonpartisan Web site says the document appears to be authentic.

But the Web site documentation has only generated more fuel for skeptics.

They point to the lack of an official state seal on the document, although Health Department officials say seals often are placed on the backs of birth certificates.

Bloggers and other skeptics also wonder why a large black rectangle appears next to the words “CERTIFICATE NO.”

Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo said the blackened portion is a department file number that was redacted to prevent hackers from breaking into the Health Department’s system.

Reach Dan Nakaso at

16 years ago

Money and power… it only brings lies. Politicians are the biggest whores in the world. I am tired of being lied to. This is not an issue for supporters vs non supporters for Obama. There are too many diversions. The situation comes down to the supreme court reviewing the facts and making a ruling. Like it or not, we as a nation will have to accept the ruling and live with it. Personally, I think the issue should be more about why the mainstream media has ignored this, but yet, we know all about what Brittney Spears wore for her birthday bash. Personally, I have a wait and see attitude but a general mistrust with people misusing their authority to break the law. Overall, I feel, that we may never know what actually is or is not true. We can not invalidate someone’s concern when we ourselves are without all the facts. Our consitution is the greatest in the world. Therefore, in all fairness, those with a concern should be allowed to exercise their legal rights regardless of how others may feel. Let us all find peace in the outcome.

16 years ago

Found another quote from Bingham. This one is from the year 1862 (Congressional Globe pg. 407 37th Congress):

“Does the gentleman undertake to say that here, in face of the provision in the Constitution, that persons born within the limits of the Republic, of parents who are not subjects of any other sovereignty, are native born citizens, whether black or white? There is not a text-book referred to in any court which does not recognize the principle that I assert.”

The provision he is referring to is Article IV, Section II, citizens of the states are citizens of the united states. What is interesting is no one denied it.

Joe Blog
Joe Blog
16 years ago

US Govt – Federal Election Commission requests SCOTUS to dismiss Philip Berg’s case.

The stage for the “hand down” is being set up.

Sorry Guys. Not looking good for Friday.